Extra-curricular activities

Recently I have been mostly crossing out large parts of my diary and writing the names of summer music festivals in big capital letters.

Festivals, oh boy, festivals.

A few festival organisers have been in touch with us – to ask if we can play vinyl under the name Sleeveface DJs… and bring some of that madcap party atmosphere for which we’re known.

So we will be partying and Sleevefacing and showing loads of previously unseen Sleeveface video footage at:
in the UK plus a couple of other festivals – to be announced!

Festivals are also the perfect place to do Sleevefacing. Everyone’s a bit more willing and it’s like the best icebreaker exercise ever discovered, leading to peace, insight and true understanding. Why is this? Well, if you can find me at a festival and ask me about this around 4 o’clock in the morning then I will be happy to converse about the ramifications in great detail.