4 comments on “Robbie Williams”

  1. 1.) I find it funny to see the real face in the mirror – well done.

    2.) I think the sleeve doesn´t show Robbie but rather Robin Williams.

    3.) Robin Williams did a record? Wow – can I have it?


  2. Sebastian

    1. I agree

    2. You are correct. I wrote the title like that because I wanted to confuse people – and catch Robbie Williams fans who were searching. And also because I am a trickster.

    3. Try eBay or your local record shop! Unless anyone out there has one for Sebastian?

    Thanks for your comment!

  3. you shoulda atleast matched your shirt to his or tried, and its interestin to see your face in the mirror but it takes away the illusion that the album cover is your face and the mystery of what the real face behind the album looks like

  4. i’m looking through these going ooooh so impressive, and aaaaaah well done!
    then got to this one and had a good laugh because of the mirror. which maybe is the best reaction of all.

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