Sleeveface partying at #ROFLCon 2010, a selection of pics

Carl here. I’m still buzzing from meeting several luminaries from the world of web culture and ideas over the weekend at ROFLcon in Boston USA. Fun things happen when you get the folks from Urban Dictionary, Garfield Minus Garfield, Stuff White People Like, Regretsy, Lamebook, 4chan and I Can Has Cheezburger – and a whole whole load more – in the same room!

Here are some selected pics from the closing party at Machine bar, where we had a rough’n’ready Sleeveface session. See if you can spot Keyboard Cat in the crowd…

Perry Como


John Denver

Art Garfunkel

If there’s another ROFLCon event at any point, it’s well worth making the effort to attend.

A few more pics here!

Credit: Kristin Tangel

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